The best Fifteen Puzzle incarnation for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch with iOS 5.1 or better. Main features: – 4 difficulty level (8, 15, 24, 35 tiles) – Game Center support – Import pictures
The Spinner 360 is one of the newest creations of Lomography. Its uniqueness lies in being able to take 360 degree panoramas, which is normally possible only by joiningseveral shots via software. The box, in the best tradition of Lomography, is very stylish and includes, in addition to the camera, the manual, some print samples, a poster, a lens cap and a spare rubber. Maybe a free film could be a better gift.
A few months ago I bought a toy robot and I wanted to recycle it in some way. I decided to use it as a “container” for a small project with Arduino. Basically when I change a string in a feed of my Pachube account Arduino with Ethernet Shield detects the change, plays the classic tune of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” opens the doors thanks to two servo motors and displays the scrolling message on an 8×8 LED matrix, then closes his flaps and waits for a new change.
Easy Solitaire is a free italian solitaire with Neapolitan cards for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. The graphic is optimized for different supported devices. Key features include: -automatic game saving -ability to make the game easier by settings -multiple “Undo” -play either in portrait or landscape mode
The Cut-Up is a technique invented by Tristan Tzara but the “Cut-Up” name was invented by the painter and writer Brion Gysin in 1958 and was made famous by William S. Burroughs in the sixties. Subsequently many other artists have used this technique, if not in a systematic way as Burroughs, who used to write entire novels, at least as an instrument of inspiration. Many singers have used and continue to use the Cut-Up to write the lyrics of their songs. The original technique is very simple and can be made ??by anyone because the only tools needed are scissors […]
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